Friday, 19 November 2010

Day 46 (Photos of Personal Things in your Life)

This is one of my all time favourite photos! This is my family :) We were on holiday in Scotland, our last family holiday in fact! We rock!

This is Barney! I love him lots :) He loves to sit anywhere that is more comfortable than the floor.
This was Storm and he was the bestest dog in the world. Sadly he died about this time last year :( I miss him lots and I will always remember him. 
This is Honey, the newest addition to the house. She is very cute but naughty! 
Here is Roxy and Monty. Sadly we lost Monty last year... We lost Roxy too but she came back which was magical :) 
These are my housemates this year who I am unfortunate enough to have to live with for the next year or two.. how am I going to cope!? 
And last, but most definitely not least this is my boyfriend. Gorgeous isn't he? :)

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