Sunday, 7 November 2010

Day 34 (Your favourite Quote)

This has actually proved to be quite a difficult blog!! I've been thinking about it all day, and there are so many quotes that I love but I actually cannot think of my top ones at the moment... So what I'm going to do is list a few which I can think of, but be aware that they may not actually be my favourite!!! 

"Why so sad beautiful lady?" 
This is spoken by Prince Edward in the wonderful film Enchanted. I'm not sure why I love this quote so much but I just found it really memorable! I think its a nice thing to say because if someone said that to me I maybe wouldn't feel so sad afterwards.
"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."
"Anybody want a peanut?" 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Princess Bride. Its one of my all time favourite films and I've known it since my childhood. Inigo's quote is just a classic. Fezziks quote is hilarious if you know the context... which I can't be bothered to explain so just watch the damn film!!!

"That makes me want to buy a cake!"
This quote makes me laugh! This is a quote from one of my favourite TV programmes Larkrise to Candleford by Minnie. I like it because when something makes me happy I want to buy a cake too! 

"Men speak conveniently of love when it serves their purpose" 
This is from the best version of Robin Hood. I just like this quote because in experience I have found it to be true. 
And last but not least, lets finish off with an inspiring quote:

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water."
These wise words were spoken by Eleanor Roosevelt. I found this quote on a mug that my brother brought for my step-mum, and I've always really admired this thought. I think it appeals to me because I don't feel strong and I don't stick up for myself in most situations but I do think that if I was put into a position where I truly needed to be strong I would surprise myself and others. 

I hope that you've enjoyed my blog! Comments would be appreciated because I'd like to know who (if anyone) actually reads these? Or am I just wasting my time? Anyways, let me know! And enjoy! 


  1. When I read the last quote I thought it was going to be a naughty one. Dirty dirty Tori's mind, hehe!

  2. I always read it. I'm not doing today's blog but yours has inspired me to do one in place of it! X

  3. I also always read your blog. I am like a blog ninja.
