- My chocoholicism - I just have to eat chocolate. Every day, oh yes, every day!!
- Control Freak (especially in the kitchen). I have to be in control of everything. If someone is cooking I will try and take over or tell them how to do it... I just can't help it... oops!
- Over-thinking things... This morning for example, I had my coat on and was ready to go 10 mins before I had to leave... and I sat there squirming and trying to decide when to leave.
- Buying things online! I hate having a debit card because its just TOO easy. I hate buy it now, it kills me. It really does.
- "Oh. Really?" is apparently something I say when I don't agree with something or think differently. I've not noticed this, but apparently I do!
- Letting people wind me up. Story of my life! Everyone I'm close to knows that I will react and so they keep winding and winding and winding. I'm getting better with it but yeah!
- My "blondness"! Despite dying my hair brown (surprise!) I'm really ditzy and I come out with loads of blonde comments and sound really stupid most of the time.
- My low self-esteem - I really don't believe in myself or that I can do stuff..
Well! They didn't have trouble helping me with that... Nice! Loool! I'm sure many of you can think of other stuff so feel free to list! I was only gonna put 5 up as well... dang!
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