Monday, 15 November 2010

Day 42 (Bad Habits of yours)

Okay, so I'm sat here with my housemates so they can help me! But its not going to be hard, I'm not perfect in any way. Not like Mary Poppins, oh no.

  1. My chocoholicism - I just have to eat chocolate. Every day, oh yes, every day!!
  2. Control Freak (especially in the kitchen). I have to be in control of everything. If someone is cooking I will try and take over or tell them how to do it... I just can't help it... oops! 
  3. Over-thinking things... This morning for example, I had my coat on and was ready to go 10 mins before I had to leave... and I sat there squirming and trying to decide when to leave. 
  4. Buying things online! I hate having a debit card because its just TOO easy. I hate buy it now, it kills me. It really does.
  5. "Oh. Really?" is apparently something I say when I don't agree with something or think differently. I've not noticed this, but apparently I do!
  6. Letting people wind me up. Story of my life! Everyone I'm close to knows that I will react and so they keep winding and winding and winding. I'm getting better with it but yeah! 
  7. My "blondness"! Despite dying my hair brown (surprise!) I'm really ditzy and I come out with loads of blonde comments and sound really stupid most of the time.
  8. My low self-esteem - I really don't believe in myself or that I can do stuff..
Well! They didn't have trouble helping me with that... Nice! Loool! I'm sure many of you can think of other stuff so feel free to list! I was only gonna put 5 up as well... dang! 

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