Hey little ninja!
So at the moment you're coming to the end of your first term at University and you might be starting to stress about the workload... Yes it is a lot, and yes it takes quite a lot of concentration but just lock yourself in your room, fill up your wonderful chocolate drawer and get on with it! Because in the end its all worth while (but no spoilers!) :P.
You've certainly been enjoying yourself! And don't stop... in fact, when people ask you to go out and you say yes, go! I know you'll be thinking "Should I? Shouldn't I?" and in the end you may come to the conclusion that you shouldn't go out, but you really should because friends are important and this is the year that you CAN go out and have fun because the marks, they don't really count in the end! Of course get on with it, go to all your lectures but don't let it stop you going out.
You're also probably starting to think about where you're going to live next year, but you feel its too early to start looking and you're still not sure about who you'll live with. Well, actually it is a good idea to start searching now... perhaps talk to that guy, Ben, from your class. He's a great guy and you get on really well as it is now - you'll be great friends by the time you are me!!
There isn't really much to worry about at the moment. One small bit of advise I will give you is learn to relax, because hopefully that will rub off on me in time... you're too uptight and controlling, let go a bit!! But all in all, it will be a good year for you. Oh! During your summer this year you will talk about doing LOADS but it never really happened... so keep that in mind and start thinking about it now, and maybe you'll have a really great time. It'll be good to have some more treasured memories.
Well, have a great Christmas! Give Greg lots of love and hugs because he will be away for a long time... and towards the end of the year give you a bit of worry, but it'll be okay, I promise :)
Learn to love yourself, grow in confidence and I'm sure you'll do okay; I know you get down on yourself a lot but you have lots of great friends and family and they love you a lot. You know this, but sometimes its hard to remember.
Have a great year and have fun and maybe then you'll be a better person than I am.
You're a lovely person you ding dong!